
A mezzanine file is a compressed video file that is visually indistinguishable from the full-resolution master that is exported from your editing program, but smaller in size. It’s not a specific file type but rather a description of a general set of parameters. When working with your internal video staff, or with an external production agency, you want to request a mezzanine file format from them as part of their file delivery. If your finished video is 1080p, you would likely ask for an MP4, H.264, MOV, or a WMV at 1920×1080, with a bit rate at about 10 Mbps (megabits per second). These formats are very common and supported by most platforms. The bitrate determines the visual quality, and 10 Mbps will give you high visual quality at a manageable file size. Parameters may vary slightly depending on footage and use case, but in general, this is a good place to start.


  • H.264 VBR bitstream
  • PCM or AAC‐LC audio encoding
  • .MOV container
  • Video and Primary language stereo and surround audio streams in same file
  • Fallback MPEG‐2 modes for easy legacy support and 4:2:2 interlaced
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